
My parents died, I watched them kill themselves.

technically, my mother is still alive, in a literal sense, her body is still functioning.

But it isn’t her, not any more.

A while back, hell.. probably before I was invented, a seed got planted in my mum that drove her off the deep.

She had a rocky childhood; sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll… all too much exposure for a life so young. Yep, she got a shit hand dealt and she dealt me a few of the same cards.


My dad? He had alcohol poisoning twice before he was twenty. He was a fat kid, hell, mama and dada, they were both fat kids… me? Yeah, I was a fat kid too…

So it runs in the family, a whole bout of crazy. Mum and dad both busy numbing themselves to a life time of pain a torment. And me? Yeah, well, I’ve had a few glasses and I don’t regret it, because it gave me the balls to be blatant and truthful.

Thank god for internet anonymity … (Don’t hack me please, I’m not famous enough that exposing me would be worth a damn)



I had to tell you, the deep dark and nasty truth…


Ever since I was little, single digits, actually, one of my first memories…


In  my fantasies, I was a character, and alter ego… the idolized version of myself who’s pain was beautiful and graceful, tragic yet pure… and who didn’t have any parents.


At the age of, I dunno, probably 6? I was unattached to my parents. Part of me always knew I was going to be living a life without them. But the fact of the matter is, no one tells you how hard it is to live alone. No one tells you that a life without a safety net makes you into an alley cat. You wake up with every bump in the night. You never feel certain and you don’t believe in good deals because they’re always too good to be real.


It happens when you’re cooking food on a hot plate. In a gym. In a cold state. In the middle of winter. And you wash your clothes in an industrial sink, and you have an odor issue, but no one bothers to tell you until 3yrs later.


You know what’s crazy?


Some of the best years of my life. Yep, I was desperate, and yeah, shit sucked. I was in a relationship with someone who I had to fantasized about sex with another person to get through.. but you know what? Wouldn’t trade it for the world. Hell, the cliches keep on coming but if I knew what I knew now..


Well, dunno… God’s honest truth, I might not ever have come back, might not have ever met my husband and father of my child. I dunno… But given the chance to go back I can’t deny a part of me would like to do it differently, even if it meant no husband and no kid. Love ’em both, god knows, I love ’em both so bad it fucking hurts… but I won’t lie. Part of me, would chose the road over home every time.


Anyhow. Stories done. See you in the next blog.

Darkwood, out.

Dark and Uninhibited

Too damn tired and too damn thin to start giving a damn

I’m gonna link you some things, read them, if you’re a parent in need and wondering if you’re a monster for going batty every time your babe cries:



Alright, now that that’s out of the way, truth time:

I’m a parent, and sometimes it drives me fucking crazy.

First and foremost, I love my lil’en…

But that’s not the point. Love ’em, though I may, my lil’en drives me so fucking crazy sometimes I honestly have the split second thought about throwing them off the balcony.


Sick I know. And I don’t do it, I know it’s wrong and deep down, I don’t wanna hurt my babe, it isn’t about that, what it’s about is the anger, and not enough people talk about it. Being a parent means you’re going to be fucking angry some times, more than that, you’re going to feel murderous… because like the article says, a baby’s cry is meant to affect you, meant to make your heart race, meant to make you pissed in fact.

So sue me, I’ve wanted to hurt my babe when the crying starts. No, I’m not proud, and you know what? Occasionally, I’ve been rough, picked ’em up rough, actually held my hand over their mouth to dampen the sound of the screaming.


Is this good, is this healthy? Fuck no. You know what’s worse? Thinking that you’re not allowed to get mad… thinking that it’s not okay that your babe cry once in a while.

Truth talking- your kid is gonna hate you at some point, but take it from a kid that had a fuckin monster as a mum… she abused me, hit me, threw things at me, fucked with my head, is a total head case… and you know what? I still love the crazy bitch. You know what that taught me? Your kid is gonna love you, even if you are a monster.


Now, I don’t wanna be a monster, I wanna do my damnedest to not turn in to the creature scratching at me just under the skin, but the truth is I was abused, I got fucked up, sexually exposed, neglected, and all kinds of “oh shit that’s wrong” from the time I existed. Well, it does shit to you, and yeah, I deal with every day turning into the nightmare my parent’s put me through. But it is what it is, c’est la vie… I’m going to make my lil’en angry, they’re gonna hate me at one point at another.


But I am going to love them no matter what, and I’m not going to turn into the monster that is right under my skin, because I’m better than that, and the young me, the little me that I see inside my child, they deserve better.


I’m going to fuck up. I’m going to deviate from my promise, but I’ll keep doing my damnedest to get back on track.


End rant. No point to tie it all in a bow, just thoughts rambling out. Hope it means something to some of you.


Bon apetite.
